Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Learn the philosophy......anywhere, anytime

The key to knowledge is READING...the key to read is book...meaningful and impactful books...see the first verse revealed to Prophet Muhammad pbuh...

Read a lot...and you become a lot of people in the knowing, in the understanding and in perceiving things...read with your mind open.....seek forgiveness and see the truth..it is all over.

You are always a loser if you don't read....and books are never obsolete....our mind and thinking is obsolete if we do not read....

Kebejatan pemikiran dan minda, hilangnya kefasihan dan ketajaman berfikir kerana keruhnya ilmu yang tidak berkembang, lunturnya nilai masyarakat kerana ilmunya nipis dan terhasillah kebejatan sosial dan minda serta pemikiran....

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